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These practice pads are manufactured to an exceptional standard of quality by Farquhar Drumming Supplies. A high quality white rubber 170mm disc is inserted into a specially designed centre recess and this gives the drummer a unique sound from the drum pad. The practice pad is responsive and ideal for any level of drummer. The overall size of the standard practice pad is 9in square. This practice pad is the most popular, used by many drummers worldwide. These practice pads can be played loudly or quietly depending on the surface that the practice pad is placed on eg: when placed on your lap, the drum pad can be very loud or when placed on a table the drum pad can produce a softer tone. Some table top surfaces can also project the sound from the drum pad. Therefore this ensures the practice pad is perfect for all situations. These practice pads fit easily into a drum case.
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8 Broad Street, Stirling, FK8 1EF
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